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Beyond Smudging: Clear Entities and Align Your Home or Business to Attract Positive Energy and Abundance

Many people can feel the energy of a space—how it “feels” or the vibes it gives off. Some places on Earth, known as vortexes, have especially strong energy that can speed up your spiritual growth. A vortex is a spot where energy either enters or exits the Earth, moving in a spiral. While we can’t see this energy, we can feel its effects, and it can raise our energy frequency.

These vortexes are sacred sites around the world, and their energy impacts our own energy field, lifting it to a higher frequency. But it’s not just vortexes that influence us. The Earth’s magnetic field plays a key role in how we feel, too.

The Earth’s Magnetic Field and Its Impact

Earth has a magnetic field that protects us from space weather. NASA and other agencies study this field and monitor how solar flares from the Sun affect it. Solar flares can disrupt electric grids and even alter the magnetic poles. Some animals, like the Eurasian reed warbler, use this magnetic field for direction.

Just like these species, your energy field is affected by Earth’s magnetic field. In a home or business, the energy created by the magnetic grid can have a different effect on you. You might feel drained or exhausted, or you might feel too energized to rest.

Even if you use methods like burning sage, palo santo, or crystals to protect your space, something might still feel “off.” In these cases, there could be interference from entities or an imbalance in the space’s energy. This can prevent the energy of your space from aligning with your desires or intentions.

How to Address the Root Cause of the Imbalance

Before I address the magnetic grid of a home or business, I first clear the space of any negative or heavy energy. This energy often collects in the walls and corners of a property, as well as around electronic devices and mirrors. Spirits and entities can sometimes get stuck in mirrors or electronics, and clearing them requires spiritual strength.

Any spirits or entities in the space are gently guided to the light, never forced. This process removes the energetic blockages, allowing the magnetic gridlines of the space to be corrected and aligned with the space’s purpose and intentions.

Correcting the Magnetic Gridlines

Aligning the magnetic gridlines happens on a spiritual level. This process requires permission from God, Mother Earth, and the Spirit of the Magnetic Gridmaster. The change only affects the space’s energy, not anything outside the property’s four corners.

For a home, the magnetic gridlines are adjusted to bring peace, wellness, and harmony to the family. If there’s a home office, the grid will be realigned separately to attract the right opportunities, clients, and creativity for those working in the space.

Maintaining the Energy of Your Space

Once the space has been cleared and the magnetic gridlines adjusted, regular smudging will help maintain a clean, positive energy. You will start to feel a shift in your environment, and you’ll notice that the right opportunities and situations begin to flow toward you. You’ll also feel more protected from unaligned situations and negativity.

However, certain events like seismic shifts, solar flares, or changes to the magnetic poles may disrupt the magnetic grid. If this happens, it’s a good idea to redo the grid correction. Major life changes or spiritual growth also benefit from a realignment of your space’s energy.

Rosa Mystica Spiritual Healing & Home Clearing with Marilyn offers Home Clearing & Magnetic Grid Correction onsite and remotely.  Book yours now or contact us for a free consultation.

Home » Blog » Beyond Smudging: Clear Entities and Align Your Home or Business to Attract Positive Energy and Abundance

Space Clearing

December 10, 2024

Marilyn Prebul

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